On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote: } I learned from HOW-TOs that yaboot (lilo-like tool for powerpc?!?) } preferably wants a small ext2 partition for /boot like you do } sometimes on ix86 platforms as well.
Actually, for booting, it is not a small ext2 partition. It is an HFS partition, and when you are using pdisk to create it, you have to create it with type "Apple_Bootstrap". } I did that. Then it wanted to copy the base system but after having } done that, it wanted to it again, and again, and again. Then I } selected the next step from the menu manually - Installing "QUIK". } What is that? Whatever it is - it failed with a message that says } something like "QUIK is not for PowerPCs". Quik is an OF bootloader for old world machines. I am not sure if it works on the new world machines. } Can somebody please point me at a reasonable good tutorial/HOW-TO. } http://www.powermaclinux.org is nice, but doesn't take you from the } beginning till the end. Take a look at: http://linuxppc.org/hardware/blueg3/articles/yaboot.php3 None of the information there is LinuxPPC specific, except booting and drive parititioning. But I was able to use those pages (and the yaboot FAQ linked to on that page) to get Potato installed on my Lombard just a few days ago. The other quirk I found with the debian installer was that it did not like you skipping a step or making an error in a given step. I was able to get around the step I wanted to skip, but it was in a rather strange and non-systematic way. I basically went through the options till it let me continue ... cheers vinai