On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 01:16:49PM +0200, Michel Dänzer wrote: > Timshel Knoll wrote: > > > > [please CC all replies to me, I'm not on -powerpc - thanks] > > > > I'm the maintainer of the debian GNU parted package, and I just recieved the > > forwarded message below asking why there is no powerpc-compiled parted > > package ... Parted should be quite useful on powerpc now, since it supports > > Mac disklabels (since 1.4.0), so ext2 partition resizing should be quite > > possible on powerpc. Any reason why the ppc buildd doesn't build parted? > > http://voltaire.debian.org/buildlogs/parted > > I guess we'd have to ask Dan why it's 'Not-For-Us'...
This is a frequent problem. It was Not-For-Us because it -used- not to build on powerpc. If people would specify Architecture: lines this wouldn't happen... i think... -- Daniel Jacobowitz Debian GNU/Linux Developer Monta Vista Software Debian Security Team "I am croutons!"