On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 01:16:49PM +0200, Michel D?nzer wrote:
> Timshel Knoll wrote:
> > 
> > [please CC all replies to me, I'm not on -powerpc - thanks]
> > 
> > I'm the maintainer of the debian GNU parted package, and I just recieved the
> > forwarded message below asking why there is no powerpc-compiled parted
> > package ... Parted should be quite useful on powerpc now, since it supports
> > Mac disklabels (since 1.4.0), so ext2 partition resizing should be quite
> > possible on powerpc. Any reason why the ppc buildd doesn't build parted?
> http://voltaire.debian.org/buildlogs/parted
> I guess we'd have to ask Dan why it's 'Not-For-Us'...
> I have built 1.4.10-1 and it works fine, I can upload it if you tell me how to
> do it right, or you can get it from http://people.debian.org/~daenzer/ and
> upload yourself. You could have used voltaire as well...

I've uploaded a binary-only PPC build from voltaire .... it's now in
incoming. If you want to do a binary-only upload in the future, here's
how to do it (as I understand it from the Developer's Reference ...)

build with 'dpkg-buildpackage -B -m"your name <email>"'
(the -B specifies arch-dependent pkgs only - in parted's case, parted-doc
 wouldn't be built, since it is Arch: all)
You'll have to sign it as normal ....
upload as normal ...

Just make sure it's built from the proper .orig.tar.gz/.diff.gz and .dsc

So there should be parted/PPC in unstable sometime within the next
24 hours ... - now if someone can pls just change the install status
for the buildd .....



   Timshel Knoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  for Debian email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                Geomatics/Computer Science double degree, RMIT
      Debian GNU/Linux developer, see http://people.debian.org/~timshel/
                For GnuPG public key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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