On Sun, Mar 25, 2001 at 09:00:49PM -0700, Tom Rini wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 11:53:40AM +1000, Timshel Knoll wrote:
> > I'm the maintainer of the debian GNU parted package, and I just recieved the
> > forwarded message below asking why there is no powerpc-compiled parted 
> > package ...
> > Parted should be quite useful on powerpc now, since it supports Mac 
> > disklabels
> > (since 1.4.0), so ext2 partition resizing should be quite possible on 
> > powerpc.
> > Any reason why the ppc buildd doesn't build parted?
> Well, my first shot at it gives me:
> $ ./debian/rules binary
> ...
> configure: error: GNU Parted requires libuuid - a part of the e2fsprogs 
> package.
> This can probably be found on your distribution's CD or FTP site or at:
>          http://web.mit.edu/tytso/www/linux/e2fsprogs.html
>        Note: if you are using precompiled packages you will also need the 
> development
>        package as well (which may be called e2fsprogs-devel or something 
> similar).
>        If you compile e2fsprogs yourself then you need to do 'make install' 
> and
>        'make install-libs'.
> And I really do have e2fsprogs installed and /lib/libuuid.so.1{,.2} exists.

The .so.[12] files don't work when linking. You must have the normal .so symlink
for this to work. That's why parted Build-Depends: uuid-dev, which is provided
by libuuid-dev. This provides the /usr/lib/libuuid.so symlink. Try installing
libuuid-dev, that should fix this error.



   Timshel Knoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  for Debian email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                Geomatics/Computer Science double degree, RMIT
      Debian GNU/Linux developer, see http://people.debian.org/~timshel/
                For GnuPG public key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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