On Mon, Mar 19, 2001 at 07:35:17PM -0600, Kevin van Haaren wrote:
> At 16:29 -0900 3/19/2001, Ethan Benson wrote:
> >the better way is to demand Open and Free standards, get the authors
> >of these movies to use an Open format which we can use and to avoid
> >sorenson and all other proprietary formats.
> Ogg Vorbis is kicking ass for my music.  10 CD's converted, only 290 
> more to go.
> I don't think they're very far on the video side though.

there are already video formats for which free software supports, they
just are not as good as sorenson, but that is irrelevant, proprietary
`standards' are no standards at all.  

Ethan Benson

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