On Mon, Mar 19, 2001 at 05:01:53PM -0700, Jeremiah Merkl wrote:

> strange and possibly idiotic question...
> No way to pull whatever they've used for the OS-X version of the quicktime
> player, is there? Or does the BSD vs Linux issue come into play...

it would be non-trivial, the codec only work with quicktime which is
not available for anything but macos and windows.  in theory it would
be possible to make a binary compatibility system where you could run
osx binaries on linux similar to running linux binaries on freebsd.
but if the macosx quicktime is carbon that might not work, and since
it probably uses proprietary apple windowing system calls it would
never work on X.  (unless you managed to make a shim for the entire
windowing system as well)  

the better way is to demand Open and Free standards, get the authors
of these movies to use an Open format which we can use and to avoid
sorenson and all other proprietary formats.  

Ethan Benson

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