On Wed, Jan 31, 2001 at 01:56:16PM +0100, Olaf Grewe wrote:
> from looking at the various pages on airport/wavelan, I got that there
> have been only few problems lately, so none was updated.
> I'd like to change to 2.4 but would hate to loose my airport connection.
> Could anyone provide me with helpful comments for building my own kernel
> w/ airport support? I currently use 2.2.17preXX on a PowerBook Firewire.


I'm using a WaveLAN card on my pb g3 (wallstreet 2) with kernel 2.4.1-pre11
and it's working great. I wrote up a little page explaining how I got it to
work (<http://www.kurup.com/wireless.phtml>).

Basically, you need to set CONFIG_NET_RADIO to yes in the kernel (just like
in 2.2.x). But there's also an option for CONFIG_PCMCIA which is not
present in 2.4.x. Set this to 'no'. Why? Because everything there is
provided by the pcmcia_cs module package, but the kernel's version doesn't
have the wireless modules, the tools (like cardmgr), or the config files
(everything in /etc/pcmcia).

Good luck!


Vinod Kurup, MD
phone: 617.277.2012
cell:  617.359.5990

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