On Sat, 03 Feb 2001 02:19:49 Andrew Sharp wrote: > Well, I did the nvsetenv settings listed here on a 7600 I > just aquired, and now my machine is hosed! ~:^( It won't > boot at all, not from floppy, disk or anything. I don't > suppose there is a way to set the nvram to some defaults or > something. Damnit. I guess this is an old world mac, so > holding down cmd-opt-O-F doesn't seem to do anything, before > the catastrophe or after. >
cmd-opt-p-r does a PRAM reset. This gives you back the /AAPL,ROM boot-device and all the "normal" MacOS boot methods. The nvsetenv man page implies that you have chaos/control video also. Do you get anything output to your console? Also, my list of steps did not include running "quik". Did you do that? My quik.conf looks like: partition=2 timeout=30 image=/boot/vmlinux-2.2.18pre21 label=kdedevel root=/dev/sda2 read-only I should have put these two hints in my previous message. -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]