OK, I followed the LanWave directions, compiled the kernel, applied patches to
PCMCIA module, and her's what happened:

After make config (on PCMCIA package), There was a message about not having
Xforms and some include stuff, but it said Configuration Successful.

Toward the end of make install, there were some lines about 'module directory:
/lib/modules/ /pcmcia not found'.  I thought 'oh well' and kept

I added the suggested line in /etc/pcmcia/config.opts and then did
'/etc/init.d/pcmcia start' and got the same message:
/lib/modules/ operator expected
/lib/modules/ /pcmcia not found.

There is in fact a /lib/modules/ /pcmcia with a bunch of 'file.o'
files in it (or something like that) on my system.

I'm also wondering about this line at the end of the WaveLan instruction page:
'configure your network the standard way as you would do with an Ethernet
I have not had to configure an ethernet device when running Linux, so what would
I do?

Anyone know what's up?


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