On Sat, Jul 01, 2000 at 03:35:55PM -0500, John Anthony Kazos Jr. wrote:
> Is there any way for me to do a tri-boot on an old-world (APS 604e clone)? I
> want to run MacOS 9, MacOS 8.0 -> 8.1, and Debian GNU/Linux potato -> woody.

just don't think about woody till potato is done...

> Just to add to the wish list, I'd like to add MacOS X to the list, as a

OSX is not supported on that machine. 

> quad-boot, when I get access to it. Is there any way to get something other
> than BootX to run the system (I can screw with OF if I need to, because I have
> a PC for a serial terminal in a pinch.)? Is there any way to choose between 
> the

yes use quik. 

> MacOS versions other than disabling the system folders on those other than the
> one I wish to boot to? I'd rather not have to mess with OF every time I boot,

no unforunatly there is no clean way to dual boot different versions
of MacOS on oldworld hardware, it is possible (and quite easy) on
newworld hardware (if you use different partitions for each) but on
oldworld hardware OF has nothing to do with the MacOS boot, it just
hands off to a hardware MacOSROM which has its own bootstrap process
to find bootable macos.  the only way to chnage the macos that will be
booted is to change the boot device in the PRAM (which on oldworld is
different then nvram [0]) i know of no such way to do this outside of

> but if it's an option I'd like to hear it, especially if it can choose amongst
> the MacOSes and can be set to automatic (like in LILO with prompt set and

quik has an option to do something like this, but it only works for
macos in general, not specific versions/installs of macos.  i think
the syntax is ssomething like this:

        $boot /AAPL,ROM

$foo is executed as an openfirmware command. 

i have never been able to use quik though (i only have newworld
hardware) so i am not certian of this.

> timeout not set). I usually would have both boxes on at the same time, so it's
> not a hardship to have a permanent serial console running between them for
> booting the Mac. All input on this will be appreciated, and in exchange,

your machine MIGHT have an OpenFirmware video driver, but it will not
be used by default, you can change the output-device and input-device
variables to point at your video card and keyboard respectivly, if you
have an OF video driver it will display on the phisical console, if
not you must use the serial console to interface with OF.

for quik you basically need to setup a /etc/quik.conf, (easy, its
similar to yaboot, silo, and lilo, man quik.conf) run quik (/sbin/quik
just like /sbin/lilo).  you must then set the boot-device variable in
OF to your disk instead of /AAPL,ROM (the macos hardware rom) you can
do this either in OF itself with the setenv command, or in linux with
the nvsetenv command.  

finding the boot device path is something i leave to you, but it
should be something like this:


the last 0 is the partition, partition 0 which means it looks in the
partition table for the partition marked bootable, quik marks the root
partitions (where the first stage boot block is installed) as bootable
on install.  the exact path will almost certainaly be different for

Ethan Benson

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