> > Seems Hartmut found another way, no reason to worry.
>  Sorry, not for usb; the architecture/subarch detections was broken for
> console-data. The console-* sets the kbd-layout, not the device from /dev 
> (adb,
> ps2 or usb). 

That still leaves the problem of newer Apple machines with USB as the only
keyboard interface. That is, assuming the USB keyboard map differes from
the ADB keyboard maps enough to create a problem. From what I gathered on
c.o.l.powerpc (discussions on Rev. D or AV iMacs) there seems to be a
> Thats something for the boot-floppies, X11 configuration or a general setup 
> program. 
> If we need an extra usb-kbd-layout, we must add one to the console-data/mac 
> section:
> or a generic usb section. 

Looks like a generic USB section would be helpful (there's more and more
Intel machines with USB now, and not having to reboot the computer after
unplugging the keyboard seems to be a Good Thing).


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