Hi all, as you all may know, the console-data arch-detection routine is broken.
Powerc and m68k need some tests, i've not changed any of the m68k code, it is the source from console-data.config. For the tests: #!/usr/bin/perl -w my $arch = `dpkg --print-architecture`; $arch =~ s/\n//; if (($arch eq 'powerpc')) { $subarch = lc substr (`grep ^machine /proc/cpuinfo`, 11); $subarch =~ s/ .*//; $subarch =~ s/^amiga/apus/; $subarch =~ s/^macintosh/pmac/; $subarch =~ s/^powermac|powerbook*|power|imac*|powermac1*/pmac/; $arch = "$arch/$subarch"; } print "Arch ist: $arch\n\n"; -------------------------------------------------------------------- console-data.config: # Subarches # FIXME: not done # Issues: # * /proc/hardware is for m68k (Machine) # * /proc/cpuinfo is for powerpc (maschine) # Any fallback when it's not there ? Kop: no! # * USB set of keymap should contain what ? mac ? i386 ? subset of those ? # SUBARCH KEYMAP SET DETECTION # m68k/atari atari "Model: Atari" # m68k/amiga amiga "Model: Amiga" # m68k/mac mac "Model: Macintosh" # m68k/mvme i386 "Model: Motorola" # m68k/bvme ? "Model: BVME[46]000" # m68k/{sun,apollo,next,q40,hp300} Not supported by Debian # powerpc/apus amiga "Model: Amiga" # powerpc/chrp i386,mac "Model: CHRP" # powerpc/pmac mac "Model: PowerMac|[Pp]ower[Bb]ook*|Power|iMac*|PowerMac1*" # powerpc/prep i386 "Model: PReP" # powerpc/{bbox,mbx,ppc64,82xx,8xx} Not yet supported by Debian sub guess_arch { my $arch = `dpkg --print-architecture`; $arch =~ s/\n//; if (($arch eq 'powerpc')) { $subarch = lc substr (`grep ^machine /proc/cpuinfo`, 11); $subarch =~ s/ .*//; $subarch =~ s/amiga/apus/; $subarch =~ s/macintosh/pmac/; $subarch =~ s/powermac|powerbook*|power|imac*|powermac1*/pmac/; $arch = "$arch/$subarch"; } elsif (($arch eq 'm68k')) { my $subarch = lc substr (`grep ^Model: /proc/hardware`, 7); $subarch =~ s/^macintosh$/mac/; $subarch =~ s/^motorola$/mvme/; $arch = "$arch/$subarch"; } return $arch; } ---------------------------------------- Thanks, Hartmut