> > usb is not available on every powerpc machine. We fixed console-data > > yesterday, lets hope this will doit what we want for potato. > > Could you please post the definitive fix? I tried the fix posted yesterday, > and > it still gave me errors....or are you just going to update the console-data > package on the ftp servers..?
The package will be available in the next days (Yann Dirson is the maintainer, and he will do some last tests before uploading it). my $arch = `dpkg --print-installation-architecture`; chomp $arch; if (($arch eq 'powerpc') || ($arch eq 'm68k')) { my $subarch; if ($arch eq 'powerpc') { my $line = `grep ^machine /proc/cpuinfo`; chomp $line; abort ($defs, "No \"machine\" field in /proc/cpuinfo") if $line eq ''; $subarch = lc substr ($line, 11); } elsif ($arch eq 'm68k') { my $line = `grep ^Model: /proc/hardware`; chomp $line; abort ($defs, "No \"Model\" field in /proc/hardware") if $line eq ''; $subarch = lc substr ($line, 7); } chomp($subarch); $subarch =~ s/^\s*//; $subarch = 'amiga' if $subarch =~ m/^amiga/; $subarch = 'mac' if $subarch =~ m/^macintosh|powermac|powerbook|power|imac|powermac1/; $subarch = 'atari' if $subarch =~ m/^atari/; $subarch = 'chrp' if $subarch =~ m/^chrp/; $subarch = 'prep' if $subarch =~ m/^prep/; $subarch = 'mvme' if $subarch eq 'motorola'; $arch = "$arch/$subarch"; } Replace this part in the console-data.config file. (/var/lib/dpkg/info/console-data.config). MfG, Hartmut