On Wed, 13 Jan 1999, Hartmut Koptein wrote:

> We aren't many powerpc developers. Debian is currently in a critical state
> for new patches - some maintainers decided to delay the upload to unstable.

Just an idea... why don't introduce a 'porter'? That is, debian developers
probably have too much on their minds to port every piece of software for
every platform, so instead each platform should have its own porters, that
should not be package-specific, unless the package itself is a beast in
porting. The developer community could split the list of packages that
need porting and assign a number to each porter -hopefully not too small
but not too big either, I believe a number around 20-30 should be ok. If a
porter is idle for more than an allowed ammount of time, then he is put in
suspension, and someone takes his work.... Anyway, the details could be
discussed, but the fact is that IMHO there is a need for something like
this, esp. in non-intel platforms. I leave it for you developers to pass
this on th the devel list.

> Our auto-builder is currently down (the software, not the system). 

to comment on this, a porter should be much more versatile than an auto
porting system. For one, I doubt that this system can fix bugs.

>            -
>          -   -
>        -       -
>     -             -       
>  -    |    |         -
>  -----------------------
>      50%  100% 

nice tree... or is it a mountain... :)

> The first 50% of all debian packages were easy, but to get near 100% is 
> much harder!

Zenon's paradox... it will be impossible to reach 100%...:)

> > days. I have thought of of applying for a debian developer, but the
> > traffic in the list is so high I couldn't keep up really. Instead of
>   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  ????

I meant debian-devel, I tried reading all mail that came from that list,
but the more I read the more I had remaining...
> If you are not a debian maintainer you can't upload.  The debian powerpc 
> system
> is mainly/only for debian maintainers. 

oh, well... maybe I should reconsider becoming a developer. :)

> If you will help and you have a powerpc system you can do following:
> - search for not available packages for powerpc
> - fix the bugs
> - make a diff
> - send it to the debian bug mailing system or to this list 

should I not also send the diff to the package maintainer?

> (if you like, you can do the whole stuff from contrib/non-free, too)

as a matter of fact, that is what I have started doing. I have already
done qt1.42, glib 1.1.12, gtk 1.1.12, mpg123, xephem, xfractint, and am in
the process of doing a ppc kde snapshot (have already done kdesupport and
libs), egcs 1.1.1 (boy this is a beast) freeamp and amp (these two
build fien but have the usual endianness problems, which means they only
produce garbage in 2.1.1xx kernels, although someone with a 2.1.24
kernel, could use them with no problem I think), and whatever else

Konstantinos Margaritis

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