On Sat, Jan 09, 1999 at 09:49:53PM +0200, Konstantinos Margaritis wrote:
> Seeing that we were stuck with ancient versions of glib and gtk for the
> powerpc, while other platforms were having binaries of the latest, I have
> created binaries of both glib 1.1.12 and gtk1.1.12 for the powerpc.
> Sure there was a problem with glib which prevented both packages from
> appearing as binaries for the powerpc, but it was a really trivial one
> -just a well known compiler optimization bug- which had nothing to do with
> glib in particular, and I was really puzzled that such an easy problem
> should prevent a package from appearing. I don't know how is the status of
> debian/ppc in general, but some packages either are not there or are
> corrupt -gmp2 in particular as is does not allow ssh to run, due to bad
> ppc assembly code, I have created a generic version which at least
> runs,albeit not as fast as the assembly version.
> Sometimes the problems are trivial -glib case- some times they have an
> alternative solution -gmp2 case- and sometimes they are quite difficult to
> overcome -I don't believe there is an impossible case, whatever the cause,
> if it's a computer program it can be ported the easy way or the hard way.
> I don't intend to offend anyone, but I would rather see more frequent
> ports of packages for the ppc, which IMHO seems a little stale to me these
> days. I have thought of of applying for a debian developer, but the
> traffic in the list is so high I couldn't keep up really. Instead of
> trying to be a full developer and get a package to maintain, I offer
> myself to do some porting of existing packages that are hard to port. I
> imagine there is a ppc system used only for porting that someone can get
> an account for. What do I have to do to help in the situation? As I gather
> there must be a significant amount of packages that have yet to be ported.
> I am no novice, and I believe I could be of some help. 
You noticed there how much time is involved in being a developer.  Add
that in to how few developers have powerpcs and how busy we are outside
of the project.  I'm not offended, but it's not going to make me more
active, either.  Also, the past month or so is a slow time for Debian -
lots of vacations.

> That's all. The packages (qt, glib, gtk, gmp2) are in
> http://www.uoa.gr/~kmargar/debian. Where could I upload these so that
> they could be in the official tree (assuming they have been tested
> first)?

Alas, essentially, you can't.  Just keep prodding until developers get
around to them.  I'm back at my machine now, I may be able to.


/--------------------------------\  /--------------------------------\
|       Daniel Jacobowitz        |__|     CMU, CS class of 2002      |
|   Debian GNU/Linux Developer    __   Part-Time Systems Programmer  |
|         [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |  |        [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |
\--------------------------------/  \--------------------------------/

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