On Thu, Jan 14, 1999 at 01:01:38AM -0800, Joel Klecker wrote:
> At 09:09 -0500 1999-01-13, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
> >Theoretically one is supposed to, but a lot don't.  In fact, until my
> >life calms down a bit, I'm off of -devel.
> I am not aware of any requirement to subscribe to -devel, even though 
> I can keep up with it, I would not expect all or even most people to 
> be able to. The only list I'd say is required is -private.

Hello, ...

i feel a bit guilty for all of this, since i had decided to make the gtk+ and
glib packages (since i use them actively), but with an internet less christmas
holiday i had lots of accumulated mails to read (that for reading debian-devel,
it have beens ages since i read it regularly, i read debian-private, but
debian-devel is too flooded, and i have other things to do than read debian
mails 2hours per day or more ..., btw is there a port specific
debian-devel-announce ? i know i can filter mails, but it would be nice to have
it). And this first weeks of january i was very busy, so ....

i managed to download glib/gtk+ 1.1.12, and compiled it here on my sparc
station, but on my linux box at home, i tried to launch dbuild on it, and was
gratified with an internal compiler error, i had no time to go further into the
problem, but i upgraded all current gcc, binutils and other such stuff, and
launched it again, the problem persisted. I would not call an internal gccc
error a trivial matter. (but like said , i had no time to look into it.)
What is the exact status of the autobuild system, how does it work. I guess
that there is a machine somwhere who mirrors the source archive, and launch
dbuild on each subdirectory, OK packages get uploaded, and FAILED ones get
ignored on next builds.

It would be nice if we ppc-developper could have a web page or another system
or even a central coordinator of some kind, who would assign packages to
people, even working ones, and each of them would receive a mail when a new
version of this packages have succesfully build, are ignored by dbuild or
failed to build for some reason, maybee with the tail of the resulting message
fail or something appended. This port-developper could also receive copies of
the bug message for the corresponding packages, and other such stuff. 

I guess this would demand some work from us, but it would be nice to have it,
or at least some web page where each ppc-developper of the most important stuff
is listed, and also where one could volunteer (by emailing to a coordinator for
example) to take care of a particular important package.

Another solution would be to have a debian-ppc-autobuild mailing list, to which
you can subscribe to receive the resulting info of the autobuild demon, in some
digest form, so as to not make another mailing list that we don't read ...

i guess some or most of this stuff was already thought of, or is already in
part working, maybe by us, or maybe by other ports, but it would be best to
advertise it, and making it public would encourage people to take part in the
developpement process of the ppc port, by just saying i use often such and such
packages, lets just follow them, and see what is wrong. You don't need to have
big coding experience to do it, or you could not even necessary be
debian-developper, but just follow a package that interrest you, look what the
problem is, and forward a possible solution to the right person, be it the
generic(i386-only:) package maintainer, or on the debian-ppc-autobuild mailing
list, or to another person, a sort of mentor.

ok i talked a lot, i will try to post here the output of the glib1.1.12 dbuild
process, or someone could tell me what to do with a gcc internal error, and i
will upload the packages asap.

notice that the gtk/glib packages are at 1.1.5 or something such because the
latest two build that i tried had problem. i was able to build 1.1.9 for ppc,
but i had to make changes in the .orig.tar.gz, and thus didn't upload it. This
was just before i left for holyday. (and the n the 1.1.5 packages are less than
a month old, and there should be 1.2 soon)




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