Barry Hawkins wrote:
~    Since we are talking wifi today, does anyone have success stories
for enabling scanning with the AirPort cards in Titanium PowerBooks,
iBook G3s, etc.?  I would love to be able to run waproamd and kismet
fully-enabled.  The stuff I have seen so far doesn look too promising.
Driver recommendations, war stories, etc. welcome.

Yes I have patches that enable scanning. I wouldn't be able to function without kismet ;-) I have a Titanium PB with an airport card.

deb prime contrib
deb-src prime contrib

]$ apt-get update
]$ apt-get install kernel-image-2.6.10-powerpc_1.1_powerpc.deb

Or I can send you the patch if you'd like to build your own kernel.


"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in 
        - Albert Einstein

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