On Thu, Feb 24, 2005 at 01:14:21PM -0800, Eric Gaumer wrote:
> Barry Hawkins wrote:
> >Gusy,
> >~    Since we are talking wifi today, does anyone have success stories
> >for enabling scanning with the AirPort cards in Titanium PowerBooks,
> >iBook G3s, etc.?  I would love to be able to run waproamd and kismet
> >fully-enabled.  The stuff I have seen so far doesn look too promising.
> >Driver recommendations, war stories, etc. welcome.
> Yes I have patches that enable scanning. I wouldn't be able to function 
> without kismet ;-)
> I have a Titanium PB with an airport card.
> deb ftp://corp.primenetwork.net/debian/ prime contrib
> deb-src ftp://corp.primenetwork.net/debian prime contrib
> ]$ apt-get update
> ]$ apt-get install kernel-image-2.6.10-powerpc_1.1_powerpc.deb
> Or I can send you the patch if you'd like to build your own kernel.

What about filling a bug report against the debian kernels instead ? 

And for your information, there where such patches inside the 2.6.7/8 powerpc
kernels ages ago, but i don't know what Jens did to those, let me check the
changelog ... Oh, i think it was this one : 

kernel-patch-powerpc-2.6.6 (2.6.6-5) unstable; urgency=low
    * Removed the patch adding monitor mode to the Airport card driver.  It
      is outdated, unstable, and was only intended as a placeholder from the
      very beginning.
 -- Jens Schmalzing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Fri, 28 May 2004 18:20:48 +0200

I guess it was older than i remembered. What about your patch, where did you
get it from, and any chance of it getting upstream ?


Sven Luther

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