On Wed, Oct 02, 2019 at 08:03:15AM -0700, Sean Whitton wrote:
> > Like you document in the checklist addition to the virtual packages:
> > also those don't require any change to existing packages, it's just
> > there for everybody to know that starting from that version they can
> > make use of that new thing.
> From your point of view, if we started to add a summary of d/changelog
> entries which are /not/ accounted for by the upgrading checklist to the
> d-d-a e-mail, would that be sufficient?  Or do you think this stuff has
> to be in the upgrading checklist?

I only read the title of the d-d-a mail, but I read the upgrade
checklist many times over the course of the years.  Hope that answers
your question :)

I think this would be the case where a 3rd party thought would be
welcome :)

                        Mattia Rizzolo

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