Hello Steve,

On Tue, Dec 12 2017, Steve Langasek wrote:

> I strongly disagree with this.  I think this adds more syntax without
> adding any more information.
> The License: field is already very consistently used to contain
> whatever details of the license are required to be shipped with the
> package - either a full text of a license, or a license grant with a
> pointer to /usr/share/common-licenses.  If people feel that it's
> insufficiently obvious that this is the correct usage of the field, by
> all means, let's document that better; but let's not make a
> backwards-incompatible change to the syntax that doesn't benefit users
> of the file.

This is emphatically /not/ backwards-incompatible.

It's an optional field and we are not touching the description of the
License: field.  For those who are worried about this issue, both
License: and License-Grant: can be used; for those who are not, such as
yourself, you can just keep using License: as you have been doing.
There is no consensus on either of these options so we're making both

Does this weaken your disagreement?

Sean Whitton

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