On Fri, 04 Aug 2017, Adrian Bunk wrote:
> Regressing on being able to orphan all packages of a known-MIA/retired
> maintainer would be very bad.
> Think of it as a 3 step process:


> 3. for every package where the maintainer is in Maintainer or Uploaders
>    the MIA team either orphans the package, or informs team or 
>    co-maintainers through an "Updating the <package> Uploaders list" bug.


> The part where removing the Uploaders: requirement could cause 
> regressions is step 3.
> Give for a person a complete list of all packages where this person
> was active" - if we regress on this, it means that packages will
> continue to bitrot in cases where they can currently be orphaned.

MIA could find #3 by looking for all packages where the maintainer is
the most recent uploader, and no other individual has recently uploaded
the package. This would work even if Uploaders: lists people who are not
MIA but have stopped being involved in the team.

If there was any question, filing an O: bug against the package and
marking it affects wnpp should notify the team who can close the O: bug
if the package is still being maintained.

Don Armstrong                      https://www.donarmstrong.com

With one simple pill
we cured unhappiness
and art
 -- a softer world #437

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