Russ Allbery dixit:

>If this license analysis is correct, then we have to do this for every
>binary on the system that's covered by the GPL v2, since I believe some


>stub code from libgcc is *always* included statically in every binary,
>even if the binary is built dynamically.  (Or at least there's a good

The csu are included, and TTBOMK some of it comes from GCC
and some from the libc in question, so, probably yes.


>I've never heard the FSF, who are responsible for all the licenses in
>question, interpret the licenses this way.  So I'm quite dubious that this
>analysis is correct.

I’m not dubious it’s correct, but it’s likely nobody would
care… but I’d rather not be the one making this decision.

Whom to involve, d-legal?

I believe no one can invent an algorithm. One just happens to hit upon it
when God enlightens him. Or only God invents algorithms, we merely copy them.
If you don't believe in God, just consider God as Nature if you won't deny
existence.              -- Coywolf Qi Hunt

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