Bill Allombert wrote:

> 1) We should move to new source package format (3.0 etc) that remove the
> need for patch system altogether.

Oh, yes please. But, as I currently understand it, existing packages will
not magically start using this format, and thus we are likely to find
ourselves growing a large number of these distracting files, even beyond
100% coverage of the 3.0 formats.

Besides, it might also help to clarify the situation for old-style packages
using patch systems, simply as a means of better defining positive uses of
README.source to move forward with.

As two concrete examples, a maintainer using the "quilt" 3.0 format may
still include a README.source that directs the reader towards the presence
of patches and other miscellania.

In addition, I have seen README.source files that give "crash courses" on
how to use pbuilder in a generic fashion. I would consider this to be rather
inappropriate, regardless of the package format.

> 3) If a package is lacking debian/README.source, then one should expect
> that the source is ready to be used. If it not the case, even an empty
> debian/README.source is better than none.

I believe our disagreement here is that I feel curbing the proliferation of
distracting README.source files is more important than maintaining a "no
README.source => package is ready" invariant.

However, this invariant doesn't seem particularly useful as we still have to
rely on heuristics to prepare a package (whatever that means).

As an illustration of its current deficiencies, a static analysis tool
running across the archive still has to guess whether to apply patches,
extract embedded-tarballs and such forth - the presence or lack of a
README.source by your specification is not helpful. You can replace "static
analysis tool" with NMUer/porter without major issue here too.


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`

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