Raphael Hertzog <hert...@debian.org> (25/08/2009):
> > 1) That's not ready yet.
> That's not true. It's not deployed on ftp-master […]

My point exactly: I can't upload such a package *right now*. Therefore,
 I call that “not ready yet”.

> > > 3) If a package is lacking debian/README.source, then one should
> > > expect that the source is ready to be used. If it not the case, even
> > > an empty debian/README.source is better than none.
> > 
> > 3) That's called noise.
> I can certainly understand the point of view of Bill. It's not noise
> if you assume that you should not need to do anything before being
> able to work on the package... and if you do, you should find the
> required hint in README.source. The existence of the file (even if
> empty) proves that the package uses some patch system and that he
> should investigate a bit more.

The existence of a debian/patches directory proves that the package
uses some patch system and that he should investigate more.


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