Bill Allombert <> (25/08/2009):
> 1) We should move to new source package format (3.0 etc) that remove
> the need for patch system altogether.

1) That's not ready yet.

> 2) Documentation for debian/README.source for dpatch and quilt is
> useful, and it can be simply supplied in
> /usr/share/doc/{dpatch,quilt}. Then debian/README.source only need
> to say that we use dpatch as documented in
> /usr/share/doc/dpatch/README.source.gz.

2) That's what we're talking about.

> 3) If a package is lacking debian/README.source, then one should
> expect that the source is ready to be used. If it not the case, even
> an empty debian/README.source is better than none.

3) That's called noise.


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