On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 03:01:12PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

>  3) the developers reference also advocates adding +<codename>\d+. It
>     also advocates using exactly the same tar.gz file as already in the
>     archive.

>         I propose that we carve out a version number space that reserves
>  a suffix match of
>      \+nmu\d+$
>  for packages that are NMU's, and make this invariant for native and
>  non-native packages.
>    1.0.1   --> 1.0.1+nmu1
>    1.0-1   --> 1.0-1+nmu1
>         And NMU's can be distinguished by a simple regexp match.

 '-\d+\.\d+|\+nmu' is simple enough. :)

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

>         Similarly, for a recompilation or binary only NMU (common use
>  case: outdated build environment, no source changes), the suffix can be
>      \+b\d+$.
>  This does require and modification of the changelog, so that the
>  version number is changed (and thus the new package is used to upgrade
>  the older, broken package).

>    a) the developers reference already advocates this
>    b) this is seen as a magic version number by the  archive maintenance
>       tools, and the upload is not rejected for not having sources.
>     1.0.1     --> 1.0.1+b1
>     1.0-1     --> 1.0-1+b1

Because of the ties to the archive software, I think the binNMU convention
is appropriate to standardize in Policy.

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

>         A corresponding name space can be carved out for security
>  uploads. Obviously a solution would be to add +debion>.<counter>, where
>  <version> should be anything that sorts correctly, such as the current
>  stable version with something added if the upload is to testing.
>      \+deb\d\d.\d+
>      \+debt\d\d.\d+                 (testing only, sorts ahead of stable)

>  where
>   1.0.1   --old--> 1.0.1+etch1 --> 1.0.1+deb40
>   1.0-1   --old--> 1.0.1+etch1 --> 1.0-1+deb40

>         (sarge --> deb31, etch -->deb40, lenny --> deb50)

>         In this case, binary only uploads sort below security uploads,
>  but NMU's sort above security uploads.

This implies Policy leading implementation.  I don't think there's cause for
trying to standardize this namespace when this isn't the convention in use

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

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