On Tue, Aug 18 2009, Don Armstrong wrote:

> On Tue, 18 Aug 2009, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>>         Given these, I read this as letting the tools rely on
>>  the following invariants, even though these are not explicitly spelled
>>  out in so many words in policy:
>>  1)  If there is a - in the version number, then the package is
>>      non-native
>>       a) the upstream version is the part of the string until the last
>>          '-' in the version number 
>>       b) there is a .orig.tar.gz and
>>       c) diff.gz referenced in the .dsc
>>  2) If there is no '-' in the version number, then the package is a
>>     debian native package
>>       a) there is no debian revision, all the version number is the
>>          upstream version number
>>       b) there is a tar.gz and no diff.gz in the .dsc file
> (1) is not necessarily true in the case of NMUs of native packages.[1]
> The only way to tell if a package is native or not is to inspect the
> .dsc. [So long as the as-yet-to-be-proposed wording is clear on this,
> it should be a big deal.]

        I understand today that perhaps NMU's of native packages do not
 follow 1. However, consider this:

>> 1) dch --nmu adds +nmu1 for native packages
>> 2) +nmuX is already supported by devscripts and lintian.
>> 3) the developers reference also advocates adding +<codename>\d+. It
>>    also advocates using exactly the same tar.gz file as already in the
>>    archive.
>> 4) this is how debhelper, cdbs, and my packaging scripts handle it.
>>        Please also look at the discussion below, which led to
>> developers reference changing its recommendation.
>>   http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=437392 

        That link states that debhelper, cdbs, and (ahem) my scripts all
 use the same convention for distinguishing native packages from non
 native ones, namely, the presence of a hyphen in the version number. 

        I am suggesting, in this case, we *make* policy to explicitly
 adopt the design that the dev-ref, devscripts, lintian, etc all
 currently espouse; with perhaps the proviso that this be a should or
 perhaps recommended bahaviour  for a while. I consider having to look
 into a .dsc file to see whether a package is a native NMU or a
 non-native package to be  a flaw large enough to warrant making policy
 here, especially since debhelper and cdbs and devscripts all follow

        As far as policy is concerned,  there is a strong indication
 that if there is a - in the version, there is an upstream package, and
 there is a debian revision, and there are also indications that a
 non-native package needs to have orig.tar.gz/diff.gz.

        Making a package seem like it is native and non native based on
 whether the last upload was a NMU is bad, and it contradicts both policy
 on version number format and the def ref recommendations.

> That said, the rest looks reasonable, but it would probably be useful
> to make sure that we're actually representing current practice.

        Given that devscripts,  lintian,  and the dev-ref
 all advocate  or implement  +nmu\d+, and that debhelper and  cdbs look
 at the hyphen for determining native vs non-native,  I have tried to do
 so.  I think the proposed practice is strictly better  than not
 specifying any conventions, and where possible, Ihave tried to stick to
 best practices as documented in the dev-ref to base policy on.

        Having said that, there are a lot of packages that seem to still
 use versions like m/\-\d+\.\d+$/, so perhaps we should be couching this
 policy change as a 'recommends', and letting lintian warn about the
 version number.

__> egrep '^Version: ' /var/lib/dpkg/available | wc -l
__> egrep '^Version: ' /var/lib/dpkg/available | perl -nle 'm/\-\d+\.\d+$/ && 
print' | wc -l

        Of course, the majority of these packages are not native
 packages, but it is hard to tell which are which.

"Cynicism is an unpleasant way of saying the truth." Lillian Hellman
Manoj Srivastava <sriva...@debian.org> <http://www.debian.org/~srivasta/>  
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