Bill Allombert <> writes:

> I formally object to the part '(in other words, the size in
> kibibytes)'.
> (I believe this change is not informative and only serve the purpose
> of endorsing a standard which does not meet consensus in Debian.)

It serves, in my opinion, the purpose of explicitly avoiding the
incorrect usage of “kilobytes”. With just the number, it's too easy to
fall back on common but incorrect usage; by using the unambiguous unit
name in the policy, it makes discussion easier.

While I think the names chosen for these prefixes are silly, they are
standard, and do indeed serve the purpose, and that purpose is a
valuable one. I'm in favour of referring to the correct unit,

 \        “Most people don't realize that large pieces of coral, which |
  `\       have been painted brown and attached to the skull by common |
_o__)    wood screws, can make a child look like a deer.” —Jack Handey |
Ben Finney

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