>>"Josip" == Josip Rodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 >> That change makes over 90% of the packages on my machine
 >> instantly buggy, for not following a should directive.

 Josip> No, it wouldn't. This part of policy wouldn't apply to
 Josip> packages that have nothing to do with it.

 Josip> Packages that would deserve a bug are those that which have
 Josip> additional docs but have registered it only with dhelp or such
 Josip> (ew!) or that have it but haven't registered it.

        Can we have some guestimate on the numbers here?

 Josip> The "policy is not a beating stick" argument doesn't apply to
 Josip> changes that document best current practice, and expose
 Josip> already existing bugs (lack of docs integration in this case
 Josip> -- I'm sure we can all agree that the state of our
 Josip> documentation overall is far from optimal and that it cannot
 Josip> be ignored as "wishlist" forever).

        Well, if policy is not going to be used as a stick, then it
 should not matter if we phase it in, starting with recommending it,
 and then making the directive stronger as we get a handle on how many
 packages are affected.

        In general, I would be very wary of something that goes from
 not being mentioned in policy to being a should or a must, unless we
 have some numbers that show that it shall not make a significant
 fraction of current packages instantly buggy, no matter how noble the
 end goal is.

 Don't speak about Time, until you have spoken to him.
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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