Your message dated Sat, 18 Aug 2001 23:28:24 +0100
with message-id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
and subject line Closed by debian-policy version
has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what I am
talking about this indicates a serious mail system misconfiguration
somewhere.  Please contact me immediately.)

Darren Benham
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

Received: (at submit) by; 25 Jun 2001 10:42:17 +0000
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Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 20:42:12 +1000
Subject: Next stage in usr/doc -> usr/share/doc transition
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From: Anthony Towns <>

Package: debian-policy

I think the most efficient way of handling usr/doc for woody will be to
have everything reference /usr/share/doc, and require all packages to
put their files in /usr/share/doc, and to make symlinks in /usr/doc. The
latter is mainly for partial upgrades.

To achieve this, we only need two changes: one, programs that access docs
need to do so via /usr/share/doc, and two, we need to upgrade any existing
bugs about usr/doc to serious (note that current policy already lists this as
a "must", so this is a change in spirit not letter).

The bugs this may affect are (greping for usr.doc or usr.share.doc in the

 34435 mpage      mpage: `gzip -d < /usr/doc/omniorb/doc/omniORB2.dvi.gz|dvips
 41441 sirc       sirc: should not include /usr/doc/sirc/LICENSE.gz           
 45230 python-doc python-doc does not delete everything from /usr/doc         
 48608 purity     error in file://localhost/usr/share/doc/purity/README.Debian
 50053 doc-linux- doc-linux-text has almost empty /usr/doc/doc-linux-text dire
 50145 tin        /usr/doc/tin is an empty directory                          
 50158 speak-free should make symlink /usr/doc/speak-freely pointing to /usr/s
 52629 xmame      xmame: no symlink to /usr/doc                               
 52996 console-to /usr/doc/console-tools-libs is still a directory            
 53520 doc-linux- doc-linux-text: non-english HOWTOs in /usr/share/doc/en-{txt
 54860 linbot     no link /usr/doc/linbot -> /usr/share/linbot                
 57367 tetex-base /usr/share/doc/texmf/mkhtml needs to be executable          
 57515 cvs-pcl    `/usr/doc/cvs-pcl/html' not empty so not removed            
 58785 workbone   workbone: lacks /usr/doc/workbone FHS symlink               
 59714 cruft      cruft: Man page refers to old doc dir (/usr/doc/cruft should
 60027 urlview    moreinfo//usr/share/doc/urlview/html/.dhelp fails m5sum     
 62230 doc-base   doc-base: /usr/doc/doc-base/tmp/usr/doc/copyright, need I sa
 62231 doc-base   doc-base: /usr/doc/doc-base/tmp/usr/doc/copyright  Need I sa
 62352 general    /usr/doc and /usr/share/doc confusion                       
 62508 synaesthes synaesthesia: No /usr/doc/ -> /usr/share/doc link           
 63634 lurkftp    lurkftp does not establish /usr/doc compatibility symlink   
 63885 logout-but logout-button: examples should be in /usr/share/doc   
 63928 dmalloc    /usr/share/doc/dmalloc/html/.dhelp fails debsums            
 64055 ftape-doc  ftape-doc uses /usr/doc instead of /usr/share/doc           
 64056 ftape-util ftape-util uses /usr/doc instead of /usr/share/doc          
 65205 fvwm       fvwm: says /usr/share/doc/fvwm/README.upgrade, not README.De
 66174 w3-el-e20  spurious directory /usr/doc/w3-el                           
 66860 dtaus      dtaus: Docs not located in /usr/share/doc                   
 67386 xemacs21   /usr/share/doc/sp/xml.htm wrong?                            
 68216 swish++    Swish++ aborts while indexing /usr/doc                      
 69021 apache     apache: srm.conf defaults to /usr/doc, which gives permissio
 69873 perlmenu   perlmenu doesnt have a /usr/doc/perlmenu -> /usr/share/doc/p
 71921 gxset      gxset: new upstream version, URL, /usr/doc/gxset symlink    
 72310 qmail      Empty /usr/doc/qmail                                        
 72493 emacsen-co Docs should be in /usr/share/doc                            
 76095 cgilib     /usr/doc/cgilib/examples/cgitest.c does not compile         
 78396 dpkg-dev   Contains empty /usr/share/doc/dpkg-dev directory            
 79281 debian-key Typo in /usr/doc/debian-keyring/README.gz                   
 79746 dpkg-cross [dpkg-cross]: dpkg-cross(1) (& others) refers to /usr/doc   
 79750 weblint    [weblint]: documentation in /usr/doc                        
 79925 svgalibg1- After removal symlink still present in /usr/doc             
 81015 imlib-base imlib-base: backwards /usr/share/doc link                   
 81126 doc-base   install-docs man page refers to /usr/doc instead of /usr/sha
 83286 gnu-smallt ln -s ../../gnu-smalltalk/examples /usr/share/doc/gnu-smallt
 84022 dftp       dftp: problem with links in /usr/share/doc                  
 85451 urlview    patch/incorrect document id in /usr/share/doc-base/urlview  
 86567 exmh       bug with /usr/doc -> /usr/share/doc transition              
 88991 urlredir   /usr/doc/urlredir empty                                     
 91343 tetex-base Lots of empty dirs shipped on /usr/share/doc/texmf          
 91348 dpkg       dpkg: desinformation regarding /usr/share/doc/dpkg/THANKS   
 91433 csound-doc Package csound-doc still has at least one file in /usr/doc  
 91439 dvidvi     Package dvidvi still has at least one file in /usr/doc      
 91465 faqomatic  Package faqomatic still has at least one file in /usr/doc   
 91469 gap4-tdat  Package gap4-tdat still has at least one file in /usr/doc   
 91470 gap4-gdat  Package gap4-gdat still has at least one file in /usr/doc   
 91472 gbdk-dev   Package gbdk-dev still has at least one file in /usr/doc    
 91497 htget      Package htget still has at least one file in /usr/doc       
 91541 libcqcam-d Package libcqcam-dev still has at least one file in /usr/doc
 91554 emacs20-el Package emacs20-el still has at least one file in /usr/doc  
 91558 libstdc++2 Package libstdc++2.8 still has at least one file in /usr/doc
 91586 mico-2.3.5 Package mico-2.3.0 still has at least one file in /usr/doc  
 91590 miscutils  Package miscutils still has at least one file in /usr/doc   
 91592 nte        Package nte still has at least one file in /usr/doc         
 91598 ncurses3.4 Package ncurses3.4 still has at least one file in /usr/doc  
 91608 pccts      patch/Package pccts still has at least one file in /usr/doc 
 91611 ncurses3.0 Package ncurses3.0 still has at least one file in /usr/doc  
 91616 picasm     patch/Package picasm still has at least one file in /usr/doc
 91627 propsel    Package propsel still has at least one file in /usr/doc     
 91641 rscheme    Package rscheme still has at least one file in /usr/doc     
 91643 qpage      patch/Package qpage still has at least one file in /usr/doc 
 91644 sauce      Package sauce still has at least one file in /usr/doc       
 91656 set6x86    Package set6x86 still has at least one file in /usr/doc     
 91664 splitdiges Package splitdigest still has at least one file in /usr/doc 
 91670 tendra-doc Package tendra-doc still has at least one file in /usr/doc  
 91675 tkps       Package tkps still has at least one file in /usr/doc        
 91678 userv      Package userv still has at least one file in /usr/doc       
 91682 tkinfo     patch/Package tkinfo still has at least one file in /usr/doc
 91685 vrwave     Package vrwave still has at least one file in /usr/doc      
 91691 tkdesk     Package tkdesk still has at least one file in /usr/doc      
 91694 x3270      Package x3270 still has at least one file in /usr/doc       
 91718 xchain     patch/Package xchain still has at least one file in /usr/doc
 91720 xgdipc     Package xgdipc still has at least one file in /usr/doc      
 91721 xzx        Package xzx still has at least one file in /usr/doc         
 91722 xfstt      Package xfstt still has at least one file in /usr/doc       
 91725 xserver-gg Package xserver-ggi still has at least one file in /usr/doc 
 91992 povray-doc garbage in /usr/share/doc/povray/povscn/level3/ionic5/b-snak
 92925 jdk1.1     jdk1.1: doesn't have /usr/doc -> /usr/share/doc symlink     
 93608 smalleiffe /usr/share/doc/smalleiffel/html/compile.html should document
 93853 mirror     mirror disagrees with /usr/share/doc/mirror/mirror.html     
 94366 ntp-doc    Breaks if /usr/doc is symlinked                             
 95313 selfhtml   selfhtml: wrong link in /usr/share/doc/selfhtml/html/tecbb.h
 95626 libproplis libproplist0: Don't remove /usr/doc/libproplist0 on purge   
 95750 netscape-j netscape-ja-resource-477 overwrite `/usr/share/doc/netscape-
 96495 debsigs    /usr/share/doc/debsigs/README.Debian is a template          
 96572 dejagnu    Empty html dir in /usr/share/doc/dejagnu                    
 96903 csound-dev csound-dev: It tries to rewrite /usr/share/doc/csound/copyri
 97400 memstat    memstat's postinst says it is linking /usr/doc to /usr/share
 97631 gedit      gedit bad link in /usr/share/doc/gedit/                     
 97891 python-gla Deletes documentation if /usr/doc is a symlink              
 98363 fvwm       menudefs.hook contains reference to /usr/doc                
 99633 zebra      missing /usr/doc/zebra/README.Debian                        
 99703 cdparanoia Empty /usr/share/doc/cdparanoia directory                   
 99789 dpkg       WG: dselect/dpkg changes /usr/doc/HTML/ without a warning   
 99886 lintian    no check for copyright refering to /usr/share/doc/common-lic
101392 plplot     link to /usr/doc/plplot is missing                          
102097 libsdl1.2- Unnecessary files in /usr/share/doc/libsdl1.2-dev/examples/t
102184 ion        manpage refers to /usr/doc instead of /usr/share/doc        

The packages this affects are (roughly):

cqcam                           phototk
dtmfdial                        picasm
emacsen-common                  printop
f77reorder                      propsel
faqomatic                       qpage
ftape-doc                       recite
ftape-util                      rlinetd
gap                             rocks-n-diamonds
gap4-gdat                       rscheme
gap4-tdat                       rscheme-modules
gbdk                            rt
gcc-m68k-linux                  sauce
gerstensaft                     saytime
glimpse                         sml-nj
gs-aladdin-manual               strn
gs-aladdin-manual-de            sysutils
gsfonts-other                   tendra
idled                           tendra-doc
infocom                         tkdesk
int-fiction                     tkinfo
jlex                            tkps
kernel-patch-2.0.37-raid        userv
lexmark7000linux                vim-gtk
lib-gnu.getopt-java             vim-perl
libcqcam-dev                    vim-python
libggidemos                     vim-tcl
libstdc++2.8                    vim-tiny
libterm-readline-perl-perl      vrwave
linpac                          vtprint
logout-button                   witalian
lzop                            wmheadlines
ncompress                       x3270
ncurses3.0                      x3270-htmldoc
ncurses3.0-altdev               xchain
ncurses3.4                      xdemineur
nte                             xgdipc
onshore-timesheet-el            xserver-ggi

A sample diff against policy would be:

--- policy.sgml.orig    Fri Jun  1 19:40:16 2001
+++ policy.sgml Mon Jun 25 20:29:29 2001
@@ -6481,14 +6481,7 @@
                HTML documents for a package are stored in
-                <tt>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var></tt> but should
-                be accessed via symlinks as
-                <tt>/usr/doc/<var>package</var></tt><footnote>
-                 <p>
-                   for backward compatibility; see <ref
-                     id="usrdoc">
-                 </p>
-               </footnote>
+                <tt>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var></tt> 
                and can be referred to as
                <example compact="compact">
@@ -7747,7 +7740,7 @@
          To view the copyright file for a package you could use this command:
-  dpkg --fsys-tarfile <var>filename</var>.deb | tar xof usr/doc/<var>\*</var>co
pyright | less
+  dpkg --fsys-tarfile <var>filename</var>.deb | tar xof usr/share/doc/<var>\*</
var>copyright | less

Seconds? Comments?


Anthony Towns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <>
I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

``_Any_ increase in interface difficulty, in exchange for a benefit you
  do not understand, cannot perceive, or don't care about, is too much.''
                      -- John S. Novak, III (The Humblest Man on the Net)

Received: (at 102199-done) by; 18 Aug 2001 22:28:41 +0000
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Aug 18 17:28:41 2001
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Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2001 23:28:24 +0100
From: Julian Gilbey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Closed by debian-policy version
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These bugs were closed by debian-policy  Here is the
.changes file.


Format: 1.7
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2001 21:43:22 -0500
Source: debian-policy
Binary: debian-policy
Architecture: source all
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Debian Policy List <>
Changed-By: Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 debian-policy - Debian Policy Manual and related documents
Closes: 53849 60461 72335 98291 100631 102199 102204 105535 105538 105625
 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low
   * Change footnote about urgency values to the now-current list: low,
     medium, high, emergency.
   * Correct note about /etc/default files being conffiles/config files,
     which I mucked up (sorry Joey) [10.3.2]
   * [AMENDMENT 2001/06/26] Downgrade emacs/tex to optional
                                                   closes: Bug#102204, Bug#53849
   * [AMENDMENT 2001/06/26] Next stage in usr/doc -> usr/share/doc transition
                                                              closes: Bug#102199
   * [AMENDMENT 09/06/2001] Clarifying FHS policy   closes: Bug#98291, Bug#60461
   * Spelling correction                                      closes: Bug#105625
   * [AMMENDMENT 28/06/2001] Restrict http access to /usr/share/doc
                                                              closes: Bug#100631
   * [AMENDMENT 23/5/2001] Optional build-arch and build-indep targets for
     debian/rules                                             closes: Bug#72335
   * The old packaging manual is included in the policy document as an 
     informative appendix. It is not part of Debian Technical Policy, and
     its presence is a temporary measure until dpkg documentation includes
     ther information provided.                               closes: Bug#105535
   * Added information about optional blank lines in the chagelog format.
                                                              closes: Bug#105538
 d0a1ac17a579422cf3036a91018077db 727 doc optional debian-policy_3.5.6.0.dsc
 847698fb56a4015e8c01fff6e2549979 568045 doc optional 
 1c021ad67e4ca6c516ed92abf7194626 582528 doc optional 
 9b36b824c66c396e6755932b2abc892d 91261 byhand - policy.txt.gz
 2930900bdf8160ce69a088a56af4cace 2138 byhand - menu-policy.txt.gz
 a3da1fbfdf72eca7b027057891e0a4cb 1561 byhand - mime-policy.txt.gz
 1d2430875f883293167d7485e9c6ff7f 4417 byhand - policy-process.txt.gz  
 2a62f4ed486185ba2d4dd8f9f1025e6d 4357 byhand - perl-policy.txt.gz
 2b8ceb66219172f7cb2a34bff5a395d0 99749 byhand - policy.html.tar.gz
 12c50aaf21b5607813d05eca35a75750 2759 byhand - menu-policy.html.tar.gz
 44838568cf22562f1669015d1dabfe76 2115 byhand - mime-policy.html.tar.gz  
 368690344dcee1495139ff6fff5fea81 5063 byhand - policy-process.html.tar.gz
 340c2df7326f04027844bac805c25cb6 5563 byhand - perl-policy.html.tar.gz
 4ec1bcd43a2c9f9981d2bc08dafb48ae 6120 byhand - debconf_specification.txt.gz
 753ce321854a513ff0cb3b279e548a1f 29941 byhand - debconf_specification.html
 3ed7aa5a489834b24bb28ff377a34aa9 10982 byhand - libc6-migration.txt
 b9ffc0d13d1467967d994288c4adc29b 7686 byhand - virtual-package-names-list.txt
 999105364cf441d21bb979469db2abba 174680 byhand -
 09e7a1c8473e068617d8b41a85612414 316812 byhand - policy.pdf.gz
 ebe19e49d89eb9edad98b9e6d3fc886e 16014 byhand - upgrading-checklist.txt
 93679f707ec4cbc94b6f667afb1f2600 34997 byhand - fhs-2.1.html.tar.gz
 300035e9df1e7fa8295a38fee2cf54c6 98312 byhand - fhs.txt

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see




         Julian Gilbey, Dept of Maths, Queen Mary, Univ. of London
       Debian GNU/Linux Developer,  see
  Donate free food to the world's hungry: see

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