On Mon, May 22, 2000 at 12:44:32PM +0200, Radovan Garabik wrote:
> the point is, unless there is some hairy and complicated testing in 
> (pre|post)(inst|rm), the best solution is to make all finger daemons
> conflict with each other. At least until there is some other way of dealing
> with /etc/inetd.conf than update-inetd (e.g. debconf query).
> And there is not much advantage in having more finger daemons installed
> simultaneously anyway.

Well, if everyone copied the netstd code in the first place, we won't be
having this discussion.  It's really simple, your own entry is identified
by the pattern given by the name of your daemon.  If there is an uncommented
fingerd entry at postinst time, add your own entry but comment it out.
Otherwise add it as usual.  At removal time, use the pattern to remove your

Conflicts aren't needed and there is no hairy and complicated testing.
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