On Mon, May 22, 2000 at 01:48:32PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
> On Mon, May 22, 2000 at 10:26:16AM +1000, Herbert Xu wrote:
> > On Sun, May 21, 2000 at 04:13:43PM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:
> > > Since there's not much point in running a fingerd on a non-standard port 
> > > (at
> > > least I haven't seen done anywhere, or a finger program that can query
> > > different ports), it would seem appropriate to make these packages provide
> > > and conflicts with a virtual package called `finger-server', i.e. add this
> > > to the control file:
> > > Provides: finger-server
> > > Conflicts: finger-server
> > You do realise that with this change, all finger daemons except one will
> > have to be lowered to the priority of extra?
> From the looks of things, efingerd is currently the only finger-server
> (not finger-daemon?) that Conflicts: with the other packages. So it might
> be better to have the packages not have the Conflicts: line. On the other

It would not be better. I had to add the Conflict line because otherwise
you would install efingerd over (e.g.) cfinger, and either it would 
remove cfinger from /etc/inetd.conf, and when you removed cfinger it
happily deleted efingerd entry, or it could leave cfinger entry alone, and 
you have to modify it manually - not good.

> hand, there's nothing actually wrong with a package being in "extra".
> A question for policy:
> s2.3.8 says, among other things:
> ] In order for `update-alternatives' to work correctly all the packages
> ] which supply an instance of the `shared' command name (or, in general,
> ] filename) must use it.
> Shouldn't this generalise to MTAs and finger daemons? Certainly MTAs
> provide an instance of a common command (/usr/sbin/sendmail). If there's
> meant to be an exception for "daemons providing TCP services" maybe it
> should apply to fingerds as well. OTOH, it seems a lot more reasonable

unlike /usr/sbin/sendmail, /usr/sbin/(e|c|f|x)?fingerd do not share compatible
set of command line parameters, neither their usage is the same. sendmail is
a standard, which all MTAs have to comply. Finger daemon is not.
update-alternatives should be used for drop-in replacement of files.

> to have one finger daemon working on one port (a secure boring one for
> external access, say) and another on another (a more interesting one
> that plays sounds and whatever that's only available internally, say),
> for which a Conflicts: would be awkward.

but it is _very_ unusual to place a finger daemon on another port. For one
thing, commonly used finegr clients do not support other ports.

Unlike for ftpd or httpd, Conflict is appropriate here.

| Radovan Garabik http://melkor.dnp.fmph.uniba.sk/~garabik/ |
| __..--^^^--..__    garabik @ melkor.dnp.fmph.uniba.sk     |
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