At 14:42 +0000 1999-11-16, Philip Hands wrote:

If you look at the license, it's DFSG, so the only reason it's in
non-free is because of the Unisys patent. [Scott, that's right isn't it?]

This is wrong AFAICS.

Yes, wrong and codified in policy, see Bug #46522.

I don't think so.  Patent holders get the right to ask people to pay
them for unauthorised use of their patented technology, and also to
ensure that all items using the patented technology be destroyed.
This could be very bad for us, so anything covered by a patent should
probably be kept outside the USA.

You're implying of course that only the US has software patents, which is false. mp3 encoding is covered by both US and German patents and IDEA is claimed to be patented in Europe as well as the US (I think ascom is deliberately misleading as to where it is actually patented however).
Joel Klecker (aka Espy)                    Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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