On Sat, May 29, 1999 at 10:23:32PM -0700, Joey Hess wrote:
> Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> >  b) Formally seconded, and a time
> >     table set for discussion (normally  normal bug, titled [AMENDMENT 
> > yy/mm/dd]
> >     10 days to a month)
> How many seconds should this require? 1 or 2?

2 IMHO. Manojs argument was that if a proposal doesn't even get the
attention of two developers, what may it be worth?

> >         Should we keep the rejected proposals around in the BTS in
> >  state fixed, so that one does not have to redo the old arguments over
> >  again? 
> Well it's all mostly archived in the list archives too, if someone brings up
> an old issue it can be found there.

BTW, does somebody know why the old bugs are completely erased? Shouldn't
they be left there for future reference? I mean all bug reports that were
closed, not only policy bugs. Of course, the BTS would need a filter to
handle this, and a few more commands.


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