[This is a verbatim repost of a message I originally posted on
debian-devel with the subject line "Re: Intent to package: GGlyph".
Since this raises several policy issues, I thought I'd repost it
here for comments.]

David Huggins-Daines <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now, back to the ongoing KDE/GPL discussion.  (just my newbie-maintainer's
> two cents, but we should remember to be consistent - if KDE goes in hamm
> as source-only, then so should lyx, dfm, and others... a disclaimer seems
> in order in any case)

In one sense, this isn't a hamm issue: we've always maintained that
contrib and non-free aren't really a part of our distribution and
are only available as an aid to people who use our system.

That said, decided to look at all the copyrights on contrib packages.

The following had no copyright files.  Some of them had symbolic
links pointing to what would probably be directories containing
copyright files, but I did not investigate further (to find out
if the currently available packages which would provide those
directories indeed had reasonable copyrights).  I think that
current policy allows this, and I think that policy is a
explorer-icons-kde_0.72-2.1.deb   picon-misc_1998.04.20-2.deb
explorer-icons-ms_0.72-2.1.deb    picon-news_1998.04.20-2.deb
explorer-icons-orig_0.72-2.1.deb  picon-unknown_1998.04.20-2.deb
gdk-imlib-nonfree-dev_1.3-3.deb   picon-usenix_1995.04.13-4.deb
gdk-imlib-nonfree1_1.3-3.deb      picon-users_1998.05.15-2.deb
imlib-nonfree-dev_1.3-3.deb       picon-weather_1998.04.20-2.deb
imlib-nonfree1_1.3-3.deb          roxen-pike-msql_1.2beta2-2.deb
iraf-ibin_2.11.1-1.deb            roxen-pike-mysql_1.2beta2-2.deb
iraf-noaobin_2.11.1-1.deb         roxen-pike-pg_1.2beta2-2.deb

The following had unusually named, but recognizable oddball copyright
metro-motif-aout_2.0-2.deb     metro-motif-devel_2.0-2.deb
metro-motif-bin_2.0-2.deb      metro-motif-lib_2.0-2.deb
metro-motif-demobin_2.0-2.deb  metro-motif-man_2.0-2.deb
metro-motif-demosrc_2.0-2.deb  netscape4_4.0-12.deb

Most of the remainder had GPL licenses.  But I was shocked to find that
most had *only* GPL licenses.  If that was really the case, then these
should go in main.  Otherwise, I think most of these need the LGPL license
(even the installers.. it just doesn't make sense to GPL them).  Now this
is an issue I wouldn't mind putting past RMS and his lawyer... once we
document what the license issues really are:
atari800_0.8.6-2.deb                     libdbd-msql-perl_0.91-5.deb
auto-pgp_1.04-1.deb                      lyx_0.12.0.final-0.1.deb
ddd-dmotif_2.2.3-2.deb                   m-tx_0.30a-3.deb
ddd-smotif_2.2.3-2.deb                   mailcrypt_3.4-4.deb
dfm_0.9.1-4.deb                          mrtg_2.5.2-1.deb
doom-musserver_1.0-7.deb                 msqlperl_0.91-5.deb
explorer_0.72-2.1.deb                    musixlyr_1.10-1.deb
ftpwatch_1.3.deb                         php3-gd_3.0-1.deb
gstep-base-dev_0.5.0.980520-1.deb        php3-mysql_3.0-1.deb
gstep-base-examples_0.5.0.980520-1.deb   pinepgp_3.3.deb
gstep-base_0.5.0.980520-1.deb            pppload_1.0-5.deb
gstep-extensions-dev_0.5.0.980520-1.deb  quake-lib-stub_1.9.deb
gstep-extensions_0.5.0.980520-1.deb      qweb_1.3-3.deb
gstep-gui-dev_0.5.0.980520-1.deb         roxen-pike_1.2beta2-2.deb
gstep-gui_0.5.0.980520-1.deb             roxen_1.2beta2-2.deb
gstep-make_0.5.0.980520-1.deb            rvplayer_5.0-2.deb
gstep-xdps-dev_0.5.0.980520-1.deb        sdc_1.0.8beta-7.deb
gstep-xdps-examples_0.5.0.980520-1.deb   splay_0.8.2-1.deb
gstep-xdps_0.5.0.980520-1.deb            staroffice3_3.1-8.deb
kdebase_980312-8.deb                     tcpquota_1.6.13-2.deb
kdegames_980310-3.deb                    vice_0.13.0-2.deb
kdegraphics_980312-3.deb                 xexec_0.0.3-7.deb
kdelibs0g-dev_980312-5.deb               xfmix_0.2-1.deb
kdelibs0g_980312-5.deb                   xirc_2.0-3.deb
kdemultimedia_980331-1.deb               xisp_2.1-1.deb
kdenetwork_980328-1.deb                  xldlas_0.85-2.deb
kdeutils_980312-6.deb                    xmysql_1.8-1.deb
kpppload_1.01-5.deb                      xsidplay_1.1.5-1.deb

I don't think we should hold up hamm for this, but I don't
think we should be making cds with these binaries on them.

Then again, some of these I think belong in main (libdbi-perl,
roxen-pike, and roxen were ones I recognized).

Note that reading over this many copyright licenses is tiring.
I may have made some mistakes.


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