Hi Jakub,

On 29/02/2016 00:27, Jakub Wilk wrote:
> * Giulio Paci <giuliop...@gmail.com>, 2016-02-28, 23:19:
>> I packaged 
>> "http://openfst.org/twiki/bin/viewfile/FST/FstDownload?filename=openfst-1.5.1.tar.gz;rev=1";
>>  and noticed the behaviour when upstream was at
>> "http://openfst.org/twiki/bin/viewfile/FST/FstDownload?filename=openfst-1.5.1.tar.gz;rev=3";.
>> Right now they are at 
>> "http://openfst.org/twiki/bin/viewfile/FST/FstDownload?filename=openfst-1.5.1.tar.gz;rev=8";.
>> I still did not check the last revision.
>> I have not found any reasonable way to detect when the package changes. 
>> Essentially the algorythm should be: check for latest version of the 
>> package, if the same package
>> exist with rev=<something>, then the package is at the "same version" + 
>> revision <something>+1.
>> Given the current situation, do you think I should upgrade the upstream 
>> files in pristine-tar?
>> Should I have different versioning with respect to upstream or should I 
>> maintain the same version scheme even if several versions collapse into the 
>> same version?
> Hmm. With pagemangle (available in devscripts >= 2.15.10) we could probably 
> teach uscan about different revisions of the same file. But that'd be 
> probably very brittle...
> So how about asking uscan to always download revision 1? This should be 
> straight-forward:
> opts="downloadurlmangle=s!.*/FstDownload/(.+)!http://openfst.org/twiki/bin/viewfile/FST/FstDownload?filename=$1&rev=1!";
> (I had to use "&" instead of ";", because you can't use semicolons in mangle 
> rules. I hate uscan.)

Today I checked the differences between rev 8 and current packaged version... 
And they are not just minor changes as it happened before, they also changed 
ABI, without
changing SONAME (again :-().

I think:
1) I need to package latest version, as the differences are not trivial anymore;
2) I have to convince upstream stop these bad practices (however it seems very 
hard, as they stop for one release and then start again a immediately after);
3) *mangle mechanism seems not enough in this case as we need some math (we 
have to compute "<something>+1") and the math has to be applied to a value that 
is not the
current one (we have to check that 
 exist, in order to compute <something>+1 on

I am going to write to upstream again.

In the meanwhile, do you think I can package openfst-1.5.1.tar.gz rev 8 under 
openfst-1.5.1.tar.gz name?


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