Hi Giulio!

* Giulio Paci <giuliop...@gmail.com>, 2016-02-28, 23:19:
I packaged "http://openfst.org/twiki/bin/viewfile/FST/FstDownload?filename=openfst-1.5.1.tar.gz;rev=1"; and noticed the behaviour when upstream was at "http://openfst.org/twiki/bin/viewfile/FST/FstDownload?filename=openfst-1.5.1.tar.gz;rev=3";.
Right now they are at 
I still did not check the last revision.
I have not found any reasonable way to detect when the package changes. Essentially the algorythm should be: check for latest version of the package, if the same package exist with rev=<something>, then the package is at the "same version" + revision <something>+1.

Given the current situation, do you think I should upgrade the upstream files in pristine-tar? Should I have different versioning with respect to upstream or should I maintain the same version scheme even if several versions collapse into the same version?

Hmm. With pagemangle (available in devscripts >= 2.15.10) we could probably teach uscan about different revisions of the same file. But that'd be probably very brittle...

So how about asking uscan to always download revision 1? This should be straight-forward:


(I had to use "&" instead of ";", because you can't use semicolons in mangle rules. I hate uscan.)

Jakub Wilk

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