Il 12/08/2012 21:18, Jakub Wilk ha scritto:
> * Giulio Paci <>, 2012-08-10, 22:46:
>>> I'm unable to parse the second sentence of the long description.
>> You are right. I should have read it more carefully. I tried to
>> restate it.
> So it's currently:
> | TinySVM is an implementation of Support Vector Machines (SVMs), for
> | the problem of pattern recognition. Support Vector Machines are
> | supervised learning models with associated learning algorithms
> | have proven suitable for a large number of real-world applications,
> | such as text categorization, hand-written character recognition.
> ...which I still can't parse. Maybe " have proven" -> ", which have been
> proven"? Also, a list of two items without a conjunction between them
> seems awkward to me.
> Disclaimer: I'm not a native speaker of English. (But I heard they
> congregate on debian-l10n-english@ldo...)

Thanks to the help of Justin B Rye, I re-uploaded tinysvm on mentors
with improved descriptions.


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