> > Well, don't just give up. We were all beginners in the beginning. > hey! i never said that i'm giving up!! i just meant that i need some more time to prepare ;) Unfortunately i can't give full-time to Debian owing to college assignments and stuff but still i'm trying...
> > I propose you read the http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Ruby/Packaging and > help with > the transition. There's still lot work to do: > > http://pkg-ruby-extras.alioth.debian.org/wheezy/ > http://pkg-ruby-extras.alioth.debian.org/wheezy/details.html > > And it is a great way how to learn about Ruby packages and Ruby packaging. > i'l go through them this weekend. :) -- -AbdulKarim Memon (FOSS user/Promoter)