> I would love to have somebody to help me. But there's a big BUT! Rails is
> not
> the fire&forget type of packages, so you need to commit to support the
> packages
> for a longer time.

> If you are really interested in helping with rails, then I have a great
> task
for you :). I have a couple of CVEs pending to be applied for rails-2.3
> in stable and oldstable. It would be great if you can help me preparing
> the security upload - means cherry-picking the needed patches, adding
> them to the git repository and at least a basic testing if the applications
> depending on rails in the stable works.
i would have loved to help you but i really don't think that i'm eligible
for the job. Simply because i'm pretty new to pacaking (as you've pointed
out in the next para ;) + i'm even newer to ruby!) and i don't want to keep
bugging you (all) every now and then with stupid errors :)

>   And (!) you should double check
> your packages before asking for upload, I have found at least three
> errors in your package:
>  - debian/docs: README.rdoc not installed
>  - debian/copyright: License not indented
>  - debian/control: missing dependencies (gem2deb correctly added a
> comment line); not versioned dependencies, you need to match the rails
> gems versions - check the ruby-active*-2.3 packages for control.in ->
> control generation in debian/rules
my mistake :(

-AbdulKarim Memon (FOSS user/Promoter)

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