Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
If I understand things correctly, we are discussing the NMU of grig by
Cyril (#444509).
And that is why I explicitly said my reply was not directed to
any specific person or conversation. I see Bas was able
to understand this.
If a person cannot communicate with some email, being a 'lone wolf'
submitting NMUs will not benefit the project in the long term. The
NMU does not replace communication skills.
Mails were sent to the relevant bugs on the BTS (and thus to the
maintainer(s)). Do you need a personal email, because you filter out BTS
mails? Then we probably have another problem.
Yes, we do have a problem. From section 5.11.1 of our
developers reference (,
the admonition is to "contact the developer first, and act later." It
appears to me that people do not even understand what the usual
rules are for NMUs.
As another example, our Code of Conduct regarding mailing list usage
( specifically states that a CC should
not be sent to a person unless they ask for it. But I suppose some clever
sophist will make the pedantic claim "But I used a To: line instead of the
CC: line." The inability to read English and communicate creates other
We do not need DDs creating their own rules. We have an existing
reference guide to help us. If we follow the existing rules there is no
need for a new "good means of notifying the maintainer." My point
has been made, so there is no need to continue further unless you
want to start with a pedantic definition of "properly notified."
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]