
If I understand things correctly, we are discussing the NMU of grig by
Cyril (#444509).

On 16/10/07 at 16:36 -0700, Richard Hecker wrote:
> Cyril Brulebois wrote:
>> The rules defined in [1] applied. And instead of pinging the maintainer,
>> waiting, and then uploading (to DELAYED/0), it looked like (after
>> talking with DDs during the BSP I mentioned) that DELAYED/n was a good
>> means of notifying the maintainer, through the nmudiff sent to the bug,
>> making the patch publicly visible, as well as the status of the bug
>> (patch & pending tags), and letting the maintainer the time to react.
>>  1. http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2007/09/msg00000.html
> While that link describes a temporary necessity, the regular
> NMU rules still apply.  I do not know which DDs you talked with,
> but submitting an NMU to a "DELAYED/n" queue IS NOT "a
> good means of notifying the maintainer."  You should always
> try to contact the maintainer first!

The maintainer was properly notified through the BTS:
- when the patch was provided
- when the package was uploaded to DELAYED/5.
This means several days before the upload reaches the archive. Had the
maintainer wanted to stop the process, he could have told Cyril (or his
sponsor), and the upload could have been removed from DELAYED/n.

> I am not suggesting that a maintainer that refuses to respond
> will hold up the NMU.  I want to explicitly note the disrepect
> that is shown when a maintainer first learns of the NMU from
> a DELAYED queue without prior notice.

Which disrespect? Cyril has been very helpful (despite not being a DD
yet), submitting patches and fixes to a lot of RC bugs. He is extremly
responsive. I'm not sure if the case of a maintainer refusing the NMU
before the 'n days' delay expired already happened, but I'm sure that
Cyril would have dealt with it correctly.

> If a person cannot communicate with some email, being a 'lone wolf'
> submitting NMUs will not benefit the project in the long term.  The
> NMU does not replace communication skills.

Mails were sent to the relevant bugs on the BTS (and thus to the
maintainer(s)). Do you need a personal email, because you filter out BTS
mails? Then we probably have another problem.
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