
On Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 08:50:20AM +0200, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> If I understand things correctly, we are discussing the NMU of grig by
> Cyril (#444509).

No, not really.  The post you replied to stated explicitly that it
wasn't talking about any specific event, just about general procedure.

> The maintainer was properly notified through the BTS:
> - when the patch was provided
> - when the package was uploaded to DELAYED/5.
> This means several days before the upload reaches the archive. Had the
> maintainer wanted to stop the process, he could have told Cyril (or his
> sponsor), and the upload could have been removed from DELAYED/n.
> > I am not suggesting that a maintainer that refuses to respond
> > will hold up the NMU.  I want to explicitly note the disrepect
> > that is shown when a maintainer first learns of the NMU from
> > a DELAYED queue without prior notice.
> Which disrespect?

The situation this is about is that there's a bug in the BTS, which is
more than a week old.  Then instead of sending a patch to the BTS, an
NMU is sent to the DELAYED queue and this is the first notice that the
maintainer gets that someone else is working on the problem.

This is _not_ what happened in this case.  As you say, Cyril has been
doing things very well.  The statement was just "let's make it clear
that doing a DELAYED NMU is not a proper way of notifying the
maintainer.  The proper way is to send e-mail to him, for example
through the BTS."  This is exactly what Cyril did, so there's nothing
wrong with that.


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