On Mon, 2006-05-22 at 22:10 +0200, Adam Borowski wrote:
> On Mon, May 22, 2006 at 10:32:18PM +0800, Ying-Chun Liu wrote:
> > Second, the javadoc documents coming with the source files are Japanese.
> > Should I prune the documents or include them? How do I include them?
> Please, keep them.  Removing documentation is a disservice to the
> users, even if only a part of them can read it.

I second keeping them.

>   Only if an adequate
> English version was available [1], pruning the Japanese docs would be
> an option IMO (and only because ~99.9% of Japanese people have good
> command of English).

You must have a very different experience of Japanese people then I do.
If we talk percentages using my immediate family as an example, only 33%
of them speak any English, and of that, only 16% would speak what is
considered good English. Far less then the ~99.9% you quote.

In short dropping the Japanese docs should not be an option even if an
English version is available.

> > But in every *.java (source code) the license is written in
> > Japanese (same as the license shown on the Japanese page). Because
> > I'm not good at Japanese, so I can't make sure the license in
> > Japanese is free or not. Is there any way to deal with the problem
> > without asking the upstream author to change the source files?
> FTPmasters and our debian-legal mavens tend to REALLY look down upon
> removing license notices from source files.  If we have a license in
> English that came from the author (and thus is legally binding), the
> Japanese copy is harmless, and it will get compressed away by tar|gz
> so disk space is not a concern as well.  Of course, let's have a
> Japanese-speaking person take a look at the text, but IMHO you don't
> need to bother about any accuracy higher than "this looks to be the
> same as the English version".

In the event of any license related issues perhaps caused by
mis-translation, the Japanese version is the canonical version that must
be followed.

Jamie Jones
E-Yagi Consulting
ABN: 32 138 593 410
Mob: +61 4 16 025 081
Web: http://www.eyagiconsulting.com

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