Am Fri, 27 Jan 2006 18:08:38 -0500 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> Nearly all Debian packages should be pristine; if you can do that, you
> should.  If upstream *only* exists in CVS, then you can't really, and
> you can run that command before creating your orig tarball.  If
> upstream has a real tarball, though, then please use it :)

The upstream tarball is beeing built daily from CVS, but always
includes CVS dirs. 

> OTOH, lintian will still warn "CVS dir in sourceball", so you might
> not even both running such a command, and minimize your warnings..

Would it then be OK to remove the CVS dirs, or should I just not care
about the lintin warnings? I thought, that it would be ok to remove :/

> Justin


Daniel Knabl    
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