Daniel Knabl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The main target in postinst, when someone initially installs the
> software, is "configure", and in postrm, when someone purges it, it is
> "purge". For these two targets I found examples by looking at some
> other packages (phpmyadmin, album, ...) that do very similar things. And
> I implemented those actions to be performed also in my scripts.
Yes. The problem is that the Debian policy specifies other targets in
the maintainer script. Normally, most people don't implement them and do
a 'abort-upgrade|bla|baz) #do nothing'. You don't do so, your maintainer
scripts simply FAIL when they're called with another argument than
postinst. That shouldn't happen if the actions did not fail.

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NOTICE: alloc: /dev/null: filesystem full

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