Am Fri, 27 Jan 2006 10:44:47 +0100 schrieb Marc Haber

> How many times have you been pointed to Debian policy?

Do you mean "after I already read it"? Then the answer is "too many

> And you are still asking questions that neatly show that you didn't
> read it? And that also neatly show that you have never looked at other
> packages?

Maybe my question was confusing, that's possible.
As I understand the policy, in details the chapters 6.6, 6.6 and 6.7,
there have to be some actions performed on various targets of the files.

The main target in postinst, when someone initially installs the
software, is "configure", and in postrm, when someone purges it, it is
"purge". For these two targets I found examples by looking at some
other packages (phpmyadmin, album, ...) that do very similar things. And
I implemented those actions to be performed also in my scripts.

Now it seems, that I should also perform actions on some targets that
do not get used in real installation process: who should upgrade the
package, when there has never been a version of it before?
Who should downgrade the package (to a non-existent version before)? I
did some tests (installing, removing,purging ...) and there was no
unexpected behavior.

So now I don't understand, really NOT understand, what you are
complaining about? Is it because I want to release a piece of software
that you don't like? Is it because of me as person?
If there's any other place where I could ask, not just "if there has
something to be done", but "what in special case has to be done", then
please pint me over there. No problem for me to getting told that this
is the wrong list too, but anyone should even tell me then ...

I followed your suggestions not to ask on debian-devel, and i have read
the policy more often now, especially the chapters 6.5 to 6.7 about
control files and their behavior, but there are still questions that
affect the actual state of the package.

> Greetings
> Marc


Daniel Knabl    
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