> PGP Fingerprint                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am sorry for this maybe confusing usage of Email adresses.
So I would like to explain:
At the moment I am using 3 different Email adresses, but all of them
with only one pgp/gpg key:

    A069 671B 39F2 E9B9 FB34  68BB 4BEC 1344 C8A4 3F0B

From this moment I will use my Email adresses more carefully. On this
list I will exclusively use [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please excuse this mistake,


Daniel Knabl              http://www.tirolinux.net
PGP Fingerprint                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A069 671B 39F2 E9B9 FB34  68BB 4BEC 1344 C8A4 3F0B

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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