> Does your package depend on the Blackdown JRE .deb?  If so, then it would be
> reasonable to rely on that package's file locations.

That was exactly my thought. My package depends on j2re1.4 and uses the
packages file locations. The only problem that I see is, that there is
not such package in debian. To make it even worse, there is no
'official' Java package from Blackdown. I have used the Blackdown
package from
deb http://jopa.studentenweb.org/debian/ ./

which works great. It's very likely, that other j2re1.4 packages (if
there are any) are similar to that one, but that's not guaranteed. I
don't know if that's a problem.

So, what should I do? Leave everything as it is, depending on j2re1.4
and have /usr/lib/j2se/java etc. in the startup script? Or change the
startup script to complicated checking for Java Runtime and change the
dependecies (to what?).


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