
> >>I dowloaded and had a look.  To start withm you've hardcoded the path 
> >>the java in your program, which is bad:
> > 
> > 
> > Yeah, how could I do better? 
> Look in $PATH.

Ok, so I'm gonna change the start script to

java -jar ...
maybe I'll add some checking, like for $JAVA_HOME and for the versions
of the found JREs. Would that be ok?

> > I also could use /usr/bin/java instead, which is managed by
> > alternatives, but again, my app doesn't work with kaffe/gjc/another JRE,
> > so I don't see the point.
> I do.  The point is that not everyone puts their jre in /usr/lib.  Most 
> debian users I know wouldn't pollute their /usr/lib with jre - they'd 
> use /usr/local/lib.

That's right. /usr/lib is the location where the Blackdown DEBs are
installed to. I think, this is recommended for JREs in the Debian Java


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